Contract Abstraction

Streamline contracts with automated abstraction

What we do

What we do

AI-powered contract abstraction is crucial for legal firms as it saves time, reduces costs, improves accuracy, and enables better decision-making, compliance, and competitive advantage.

Ellicium’s Contract Abstraction tool is a user-friendly, AI based engine that allows legal professionals to quickly abstract contracts with minimal assistance required from IT personnel. The AI-powered contract abstraction system has been trained to extract information from a variety of contracts, including MSAs, NDAs, labour contracts, and IT outsourcing contracts.

Key Benefits

Huge times and cost savings

Huge times and cost savings

Proven accuracy and consistency

Proven accuracy and consistency

Reduce Attrition Rate

Reduce Attrition Rate

On-premise or cloud-based

On-premise or cloud-based

Improved decision-making

Improved decision-making

Better compliance

Better compliance

Contact Us

US – California, North Carolina, Atlanta, New York | Singapore | Australia – Sydney | India – Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai

Start your data journey with us today!